Quiz 01-February-2024

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Labmonk quiz, NET Life Science,

#1. A single-strand nick in the parental DNA helix just ahead of a replication fork causes the replication fork to break. Recovery from this calamity requires

#2. In gene regulation, open reading frame (ORF) implies

#3. Pre-mRNAs are rapidly bound by snRNPs which carry out dual steps of RNA splicing, that removes the intron and joins the upstream and downstream exons. The following statements describe some facts related to this event: P. Almost all introns begin with GU and end with AG sequences and hence all the GU or AG sequences are spliced out of RNA. Q. U2 RNA recognizes important sequences at the 3′ acceptor end of the intron. R. The spliceosome uses ATP to carry out accurate removal of intron. S. An unusual linkage with 2′ OH group of guanosine within the intron form a ‘lariat’ structure. Which of the following combinations is correct?

#4. Synthesis of normal haemoglobin requires coordinated synthesis of α-globin and β-globin. Thalassemias are genetic defects perturbed in this coordinated synthesis. Patients suffering from deficiency of β-globin chains (β–thalassemia) could also be due to mutations affecting the biosynthesis of β-globin mRNA. The following statements describe the genesis of non-functional β-globin leading to β-thalassemia. P. Mutation in the promoter region of the β-globin gene. Q. Mutation in the splice junction of the β-globin gene. R. Mutation in the intron I of the β-globin gene. S. Mutations towards the 3′ end of the β-globin gene that codes for polyadenylation site. Which of the following combinations is correct?

#5. α-amanitin inhibits

#6. Bacteriophage λ has two modes in its life cycle, lytic and lysogenic. In the lysogenic mode, the expression of all the phage genes are repressed while the expression of repressor gene switches between on and off position depending on the concentration of repressor. The following statements are made: P. Repressor may act both as a positive regulator and a negative regulator. Q. Expression of repressor gene, cI is independent of the expression of cII and cIII genes. R. Mutation of cI gene will cause it to form clear plaques on both wild type E. coli and E. coli (λ+). S. Mutation at operators, OL and OR will allow the phage to act as a virulent phage. The correct statements are

#7. Amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) is incorporated into polypeptide chain during translation by

#8. Reverse transcriptase has both ribonuclease and polymerase activities. Ribonuclease activity is required for

#9. The bacterial flagellar motor is a multi-protein complex. Rotation of the flagellum requires movement of protons across the membrane facilitated by a multi-protein complex. The flagellar motor proteins combine to create a proton channel that drives mechanical rotation. In a screen for mutants, some non-motile ones were selected. These could have

#10. While replicating DNA, the rate of misincorporation by DNA polymerase is 1 in 105 nucleotides. However, the actual error rate in the replicated DNA is 1 in 109 nucleotides incorporated. This is achieved mainly due to



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