Animal Cell Culture

Isolation of RNA from animal cells

Isolation of total RNA from the animal cells is an essential step to initiate any experiment like cDNA synthesis, real-time PCR, RNA sequencing etc. When we isolate RNA is comes with all kind of RNAs from the animal cells. Trizol kit is very famous to apply for RNA isolation easy.

DNA fragmentation assay

Assay fragmented DNA is essential to investigate the apoptosis. TUNEL assay is a method to detect fragmented DNA in apoptotic cells grown on the coverslip.

Transient transfection of a gene in cell line

Transient transfection method introduces foreign nucleic acids (DNA) into cells to produce genetically altered cells for a defined period of time and an essential tool for introducing a gene function

Evaluation of drug and chemical toxicity with cell culture

To estimate the toxicity of drugs and chemicals, cell viability assay is an appropriate method. Assay for quantitative cytotoxicity can be performed in various methods to determine the cell viability- MTT assay, LDH assay, neutral red assay, and calcein assay

Western Blotting

Western blotting is an essential technique to analyze protein in various studies such as cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry in biomedical research.

Cryopreservation of animal cells

To maintain the cell culture stock, we store integrated viable cells in cryovials in liquid N2 tank for the application in future. It saves all expensive chemical resources for the cell culture also. In this experiment, we aimed to cryopreserve healthy and integrated cells in liquid N2 for future usage.

Thawing of frozen cells to initiate a fresh cell culture

Cryopreserved animal cells in the liquid N2 can be thawed anytime for further applications. Thawing and harvesting cells is important for reviving cells after long time storage. The principle aim of this method is thawing healthy, cryopreserved, and integrated cells for future application.