Quiz 05-February-2024

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Labmonk quiz, NET Life Science,

#1. Graft rejection does not involve

#2. Indirect immunofluorescence involves fluorescently labelled

#3. Survival of intracellular pathogens depends on the levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages. In an experimental condition, Mycobacteria infected macrophages were treated with IL-6 or IL-12 for 4 hours at 37°C. Untreated cells were used as control. Cells were lysed and number of bacteria in each experimental set was counted by measuring colony forming unit (CFU). Which of the following observations is true?

#4. For continuation of protein synthesis in bacteria, ribosomes need to be released from the mRNA as well as to dissociate into subunits. These processes do not occur spontaneously. They need the following possible conditions: P. RRF and EF-G aid in this process. Q. An intrinsic activity of ribosomes and an uncharged tRNA are required. R. IF-1 promotes dissociation of ribosomes. S. IF-3 and IF-1 promote dissociation of ribosomes. Which of the following sets is correct?

#5. Toxic shock is caused by

#6. A nerve impulse or action potential is generated from transient changes in the permeability of the axon membrane to Na+ and K+ ions. The depolarization of the membrane beyond the threshold level leads to Na+ flowing into the cell and a change in membrane potential to a positive value. The K+ channel then opens allowing K+ to flow outwards ultimately restoring membrane potential to the resting value. The Na+ and K+ channels operate in opposite directions because

#7. In human, protein coding genes are mainly organized as exons and introns. There are intergenic regions that transcribe into various types of non-coding RNA (not translating into protein). Some introns may harbour also transcription units, which are

#8. A fixed smear of a bacterial culture is subjected to the following solutions in the order listed below and appeared red. P. Carbolfuchsin (heated) Q. Acid-alcohol R. Methylene blue Bacteria stained by this method can be identified as

#9. A bacterial response regulator turns on gene A in its phosphorylated form. The amount of “A” shows a sharp and steep rise at a threshold concentration of the signal sensed by the cognate sensor. This is most likely due to

#10. Insulin and other growth factors stimulate a pathway involving a protein kinase mTOR, which in its turn augments protein synthesis. mTOR essentially modifies protein(s) which in their unmodified form act as inhibitors of protein synthesis. The following proteins are possible candidates: P. eEF-1 Q. eIF-4E-BP1 R. eIF-4E S. PHAS-1 Which of the following sets is correct?



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