Twenty common laboratory mistakes we should avoid

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10. Not having a look on the MSDS

Never use a chemical without having a look at the MSDS. It sometimes happens with the researcher to get blasé about safety, but that can be dangerous. Therefore, check properly everything before using any chemical.

11. Not paying proper attention to detail

With so many techniques, every successful experiment requires consistent and accurate follow of the protocol. But if we do not follow it may happen that we may get wrong results in the experiment.

12. Using lab coats anywhere other than lab

Lab coats are used for keeping the nasty and dangerous chemicals away from our clothes. So, it’s obvious that lab coats contain all unwanted things. But some people while working if they are required to go some other places other than lab feel lazy or forget to get them out and keep wearing them whether they are going for tea, coffee or toilet. This way they pass on these nasty things to outside environment and also carry outside things to a lab that may interfere with the experiments. This is, therefore, a very bad idea, especially in biological labs.

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