Self care during COVID-19 pandemic

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What is self care during COVID-19 pandemic? We were preparing for examinations, working hard for our future goals, planning trips, assessing growth curves for next five years, making work plan to apply a research proposal, about to submit the PhD thesis and many more plans, happened just two years ago.

Yeah, all these were past and in between almost six important months of this year completed. Suddenly, a new virus identified and named as corona virus in a city of China and started spreading all over the world, became pandemic in few months. Then lock down happened to majority of the countries. We all know these things, nothing new. We all are getting many positive and negative updates from different sources to our phones, TV media and print media too.

Now, Government is working on unlocking the different parts of the countries. And the infection rate is also increasing along with the mortality rate. Govt, health-care workers and other front line workers are working day and night to protect the mankind, but we have to take care of ourselves and our family. We have to follow all the instructions shared by Government, maintain social distancing, using masks outside, wash hands regularly and avoid non-essential travels.

In this situation, personal care is and should be our priority. This is a stressful time with lots of uncertainty, unusual or different atmosphere, more negativity in outside and also inside our brain.

Strategies for self care during COVID-19

In this article, I gather some tips or strategies for self care during this pandemic.

Healthy diet

Food is the fuel of the body. To keep body healthy, body needs healthy and balanced food. Nutritious food keeps the body active, increases immunity and reliefs stress also. I am not sharing any detailed food intake tips here. We shall discuss this topic some other day.

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