Best Colleges for Biochemistry in the USA | Labmonk

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Earning a degree from the best colleges with biochemistry majors can help you in applying your education in various careers. You can end up landing in some highly demanding jobs in areas like healthcare, pharma, agriculture, and environmental sciences. Countries like the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, Germany, etc are renowned because of their top biochemistry programs.

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Are there master’s degree programs in Biochemistry with a one-year duration?

A full-time master’s degree program in biochemistry is generally a 2-year program. But there are certain good universities for biochemistry with accreditation and national ranking that offer 1 year and 18-month master’s degree programs.

What is the cost of attending colleges with good biochemistry programs in the USA?

About 602 universities in the US offer various degree programs in Biochemistry. The cost of attendance can vary from $8,400 per year at Salem College to $61,176 at Tulane University of Louisiana.

Are there any best biochem colleges that offer online master’s degrees in biochemistry?

Yes, universities like Harvard University and the University of Saint Joseph are some of the top biochem colleges offering online degrees in Biochemistry.

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