Study of Electromyogram

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The electromyography is the electro diagnostic medicine technique used for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. This is performed using an instrument called as electromyography and the recorded reading is called electromyogram (EMG).1

There are two parts to EMG test- Nerve conduction study and needle EMG. The nerve conduction study is performed first and then the needle EMG. The nerve conduction study assess the ability of the motor neurons to send their electrical impulses and the needle EMG evaluates the electrical activity of the muscles when contracted and when at rest.2

The aim of the experiment is to study EMG.

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Subjects:     Human

Apparatus:     Electromyography

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The subject is explained on the procedure steps of both nerve conduction study and needle EMG. No fasting or sedation required. The subject is asked not to use lotions or oils on the skin the previous day of the procedure. The subject is asked to remove the clothing, jewellery, hairpins, eyeglasses, hearing aids and any other visible metal objects from the body. The subject is asked to lie down or sit in the comfortable position. The area of the skin on the nerve to be studied is cleaned with antiseptic solution.3

Nerve conduction study

The technician locates the nerve to be studied and places the electrodes on the skin over the nerve and a stimulating electrode will be placed a little distance away from the recording electrode. The nerve is stimulated via the stimulating electrode by a mild and brief electrical shock. The stimulation of the nerve and responses are displayed on oscilloscope.3

Needle EMG

The technician will locate the muscle to be studied and the sterile needle will be inserted into the muscle, with a ground electrode under the arm or leg of the subject. 5 or more needle insertions may be needed for the testing purpose. The electrical activity is measured and displayed on oscilloscope.3

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EMG is used to diagnose neuromuscular diseases, a research tool in kinesiology.

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  1. Accessed on 17 April 2018.
  2. Accessed on 17 April 2018.
  3. electromyography-92.P07656. Accessed on 17 April 2018.