Quiz 05-June-2023

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Labmonk quiz, NET Life Science,

#1. Defective gene in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is

#2. Among the following in which mutant lines, λ lysogen phases will form clear bacterial plaques

#3. The process of photosynthesis which leads to formation of glucose is a type of

#4. Vector for transmission of disease Kalazar is

#5. NaCl can be electrolyzed on electrode, but ethanol cannot because

#6. First successful vaccine against cancer has been prepared for

#7. For 99 % confidence interval the value of Y, Ȳ can be represented as-

#8. Currently among the following which is used as a fuel for nuclear reactor

#9. Among the following which is not involved in plant defense signaling pathway

#10. Short wave can be received at longer distance during radio transition as compared to medium wave because

#11. Which of the following which is most porous

#12. Factor responsible for formation of early embryonic axis during early developmental pathway of plants is-

#13. Electrical activity of brain during brain mapping can be recorded by

#14. Atrial natriuretic factor secreted from atria is

#15. If δij=1 when i=j and 0 when i≠j. Then sum of δij if it takes values of i and j from 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

#16. During germination of barley seeds, enzymes for mobilization of reserve material to developing embryo are secreted from-

#17. Recently gene therapy for mutated gene has been experimentally proven in mouse utilizing

#18. Among the following which plant family has been extensively used for phyto‐remediation

#19. Which technique can not be utilized for studying response mechanism for both B and T cell immune responses

#20. The statistical test which can be utilized to validate the statement “Peoples having high cholesterol suffer more from hypertension”.




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