Determination of moisture content of crude drugs

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Moisture content determination is important, not only to know excess water, but also in conjunction with suitable temperature moisture will lead to the activation of enzymes and gives suitable conditions to the proliferation of living organism.

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As most vegetable drugs contain all the essential food requirements for mould, insects and mites, deterioration can be very rapid, once infestation has taken place. Various methods for moisture determination are loss on drying, separation and measurement of moisture, chemical methods, electrometric methods, and spectroscopic methods as per IP.1


Moisture content apparatus


Weighing Machine


10 gm of powder was weighed and placed it in a moisture content apparatus. Temperature was adjusted to 100-1100C till weight get constant and collected in desiccator and weighed. The loss of weight was regarded as a measure of moisture content as per IP.


Moisture content of the given sample is ______


  1. Quality control methods for medicinal plants material by W.H.O. Guidelines: 45.

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