Anatomy and Physiology

Characterization of blind spot

The blind spot is the small part of the visual field of each eye where there are no photoreceptors namely rods and cons. This corresponds to the optic nerve head or optic disk. It is located to the left of the center of vision for left eye and right of the center of vision for right eye

Determination of field of vision

The vision is a combination of various functions namely visual acuity, color vision, perception of various movements with changes in luminous intensity. The eye perceives the smallest objects in the central field of vision.

Examination of Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a type of refractive error which is commonly seen in people. It is due to imperfection in the curvature of the eyes which leads to blurred vision and near vision.

Investigating color vision

The color vision is the ability of the organisms to identify objects of different light frequencies. This perception of colors is very subjective where the brain responds to light due to the presence of several types of cone cells. The humans have trichromatic color vision.

Recording and Calculation of Body Mass Index of the patient

The body mass index (BMI) or also known as Quetelet index is derived from the weight and height of an individual. This is used to access the body composition and provides an estimate on the content of fat in the body.

Determination of tidal volume and vital capacity

The total amount of air that the subject inhales and exhales depends on the condition of the lungs of the subject. There are many respiratory volumes namely tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume and residual volume.

Estimation of haemoglobin content

Haemoglobin is a blood protein abbreviated as Hb. The haemoglobin molecule is made up of haem and globin. Haem is a pigment which contains iron which constitutes

Determination of bleeding time

The bleeding time is the time required for a small cut to stop bleeding. When a blood vessel is injured, blood comes out for some time and then it stops