Anatomy and Physiology

Determination of Body Density and Fat Percentage

The body density is the amount of the fat and fat-free mass in the body. The fat is present under the skin, around the internal organs, in central nervous system and bone marrow.

Measurement of Diameter of Megakaryocyte

The megakaryocytes are large bone marrow cells with a lobulated nucleus and are responsible for the production of thrombocytes. They are produced mainly by the liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow.

Determination of ABO and Rh Blood Groups

Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood groups –A, B, O in 1900. The blood group of the baby is inherited from both parents.The blood group ABO typing system is as follows

Determination of Platelet Count

The determination of platelet count is important in diagnosis of bleeding disorder, bone marrow disease or any other condition.

Determination of Reticulocyte Count

The reticulocytes are immature red blood cells. These are produced during erythropoiesis and maturation happens in bone marrow. They do not have cell nucleus and possess a reticular network of ribosomal RNA

Determination of eosinophil count

Eosinophils are white blood cells of the body which play an important role in protecting the immunity of the body. They are stored in the bone marrow and can survive up to few weeks. The measure of the total quantity of eosinophil in the blood is called as total eosinophil count.

Demonstration of Complete blood count by cell analyzer

There are three types of cells in the blood stream namely leucocytes (white blood cells), erythrocytes (red blood cells) and thrombocytes (platelets). The complete blood count is the most common blood investigations advised by the doctor to know the overall health of the subject.

Sound Localisation Test

The sound localization refers to the ability of human beings to identify the direction of sound source. There are two types namely absolute localization and relative localization. The sound localization is important as it directly related to a person’s interaction with environment.