Top AI Biotech Companies | Labmonk

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Here are some of the other ways by which AI can assist the Biotechnology sector:

  • Discovery of drugs and development: AI can assist in drug discovery and development through the analysis of large amounts of data and recognizing novel targets for development. It also helps in designing and optimizing the clinical trials.
  • Predictive diagnosis: AI can assist in developing customized medicine through the analysis of large amounts of data for identifying the best options for treatment for individual patients depending on their genetic makeup and medical history.
  • Medical imaging: AI can help in analyzing medical images like MRI, CT scans, etc for identification of disease and guided treatment.
  • Bioinformatics: AI can analyze biological data like genomic and proteomic data for identifying new targets for the development of drugs and understanding the disease mechanism.

These are some of the examples of how AI can support the biotechnology sector. By using the power of AI, biotechnology has the potential to make some substantial contributions to human well-being.

Top AI Biotech Companies in the USA

S. no. Company name Location How it leverages AI
1 LTZ Therapeutics San Francisco, California, United States Development of advanced immunotherapies to increase patient consequences in cancer and other diseases
2 AI Proteins Boston, Massachusetts, United States To quicken the manufacture of life-changing medicines.
3 Terray Therapeutics Pasadena, California, United States Synthetic chemistry, biology, preclinical development, automation, and nanotechnology.
4 Engine Biosciences San Francisco, California, United States Drug discovery and cellular reprogramming.
5 LinusBio New Rochelle, New York, United States Exposome medicine biomarkers and target discovery across disease domains
6 Arpeggio Biosciences Boulder, Colorado, United States Drug’s function and guide beneficial development.
7 Unnatural Products Inc. Santa Cruz, California, United States Targeted treatments for a variety of diseases.
8 Lantern Pharma Inc. Dallas, Texas, United States Developing new classes of precision drugs
9 Ainnocence San Francisco, California, United States self-evolving modularized intelligent platform
10 JADBio AutoML Los Angeles, California, United States To construct and arrange accurate and interpretable predictive models with speed and ease
11 Fountain Therapeutics San Francisco, California, United States Extracting earlier hidden cellular features to extent aging with remarkable precision.
12 Aria Pharmaceuticals Palo Alto, California, United States Redefining the drug discovery approach
13 BioSymetrics New York, United States Translation of human disease biology and improvement of precision medicines
14 Genesis Therapeutics South San Francisco, California, United States Acceleration of the discovery of new medicines
15 Spring Discovery Palo Alto, California, United States For understanding and battling diseases.


Top AI Biotech Companies in the UK

S. no. Company name Application
1 iDoc.AI Hospital Management System and Employee Management System for helps healthcare delivery organizations for time-to-service for care providers.
2 VineHealth Vinehealth app that supports self-management for cancer patients
3 Drone Ag Skippy App and Drone for agricultural advancement
4 Agamon Health Agamon Platform for Coordination, Analysis, and Simplification
5 Novai DARC Technology for AMD & glaucoma clinical studies
6 Transformative Predictive patient monitoring software for responding medical events
7 Antiverse AI-Augmented Drug Discovery platform
8 Arborea Biosolar Leaf for harnessing natural photosynthesis in a new way
9 Space Intelligence Space Intelligence’s Mapping Product
10 Fieldwork Robotics Harvesting Robot for helping farmers harvest products without stress.


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