Science journalism as a career

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Job roles and responsibilities of science journalists

A science journalist plays various roles. Here are some of the vital functions of science journalism:

  • It offers self-governing analysis and public liability to scientific reports, institutions, and scientists themselves.
  • Putting scientific discoveries, uncertainties and hypotheses in a relevant context and highlighting its broader relevancy to the public.
  • Explaining complicated scientific outcomes as well as concepts in simple language.

Where to look for work?

Even though we are living in an age of the internet still newspaper has their craze. Most of them have science supplements that need talented writing staff. Some of the regional papers are also good for science reporters. Newbies are often taken as sub-editors or junior reporters rather than featured writers.

Another place is the TV. With growing satellite and cable TV, there are now a lot of TV production companies. Even though few of them are completely dedicated to science programming, most of them produce occasional scientific programs mainly fir the mainstream audience. Those companies often employ science journalists who also double as producers, researchers, and writers.

Then there is freelancing, where the scientific writers are self-employed and make their living through domestic and foreign publications. Many technical publications and the science section of many newspapers accept some amount of freelance things. When one of your articles is accepted, they come for more.

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