Top 15 Microbiology Jobs in Demand in United States

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Top 15 Microbiology Jobs in Demand in United States
Top 15 Microbiology Jobs in Demand in United States

7. Clinical Microbiologists

A clinical microbiologist is responsible for identifying and treating infectious diseases. Their expertise helps the doctor in giving the best treatment to patients. To become a clinical microbiologist, a bachelor’s degree in microbiology is required, along with a few years of experience in the same field. Usually, they will work in universities, private practices, hospitals, etc.

8. Science Writers

They are professionals responsible for writing on various scientific research for magazines or websites. They write on many things like a history of specific scientific discoveries or articles showing how society is befitted from discovery. Usually, a degree in biology or any other field is the minimum requirement to work as a science writer.

9. Public Health Microbiologists

Public health microbiologists are those people who are responsible for keeping public health. They work with doctors and nurses to diagnose diseases and keep an eye on the patient’s health. They can also work on various research projects to make users understand how diseases work and how it is treated. A bachelor’s degree in microbiology or biology is the minimum educational requirement.

10. Microbiology Laboratory Technician

A person responsible for carrying out various laboratory tests on bacteria, viruses, and fungi to know if they are harmful. You will require a minimum associate degree to work in this post. They can work in hospitals, universities, research labs, etc.

11. Technical Brewer

A person responsible for managing and coordinating several brewing activities in a brewery. They oversee the whole process of brewing to make sure there is consistency and good quality brews. It’s a senior position in a brewery for which they also manage the brewing team and ensure the plant and machinery are running effectively.

12. Microbiology Professors

They work at various colleges or universities where they have to give lectures on several subjects and offer some constructive feedback on several assignments. In addition, they supervise various works of postgraduate students and do their academic research that involves publishing research papers. To become a microbiology professor, a minimum bachelor’s degree in microbiology or other biological subject is required. But postgraduate in microbiology or Ph.D. candidates get more preference.

13. Food Technologist

A food technologist is responsible for planning, developing, and overseeing the making of food products. They ensure that all food products are nutritious, healthy, and perfectly labeled. Moreover, they also consistently develop good ways for preserving, packaging, and storing foods. A bachelor’s degree in biology, food technology, or food science is required to become a food technologist.

14. Ecologist

An ecologist is responsible for studying various ecosystems like forests, wetlands, and deserts, including plants, animals, and other such organisms surviving in them. They generate awareness of how nature operates and how the action of human beings have an impact on other species. A Bachelor’s degree in biology with a major in ecology, microbiology, and other relevant subjects is required to become an ecologist.

15. Mycologist

The primary job role of a mycologist is studying and working with fungi. They carry out studies to study fungi use in various food sources, biofuels, medicines, etc. To become a mycologist, a master’s degree in mycology or other related subjects like microbiology is necessary.

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