Top 15 Microbiology Jobs in Demand in United States

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1. Microbiology Research Scientist

A scientist conducting various research on microorganisms to understand how they impact our lives and how we can exploit them. They do research, document their findings, write research reports and papers, and supervise laboratory staff. A relevant degree in biology and some years of experience as a microbiologist are required to work as a microbiology research scientist.

2. Bacteriologist

A bacteriologist is responsible for studying the growth, development, and other such properties of bacteria, which includes the positive and negative effects of bacteria on plants, humans, and animals. A bachelor’s degree in biology from a recognized college or university is required to become a bacteriologist.

3. Medical Laboratory Scientist

A scientist who is responsible for carrying out various tests, analyses, and other such products and research activities that involve chemical, biological, and biochemical samples, products, and specimens. A Bachelor’s degree in biology or medical laboratory science is required to become a medical laboratory scientist.

4. Biological and Medical Scientists

Responsible for investigating human diseases and carrying out research and techniques for prevention and treatment for improvement of overall health in human beings. They design studies, use various clinical trials, develop various experiments and create a hypothesis for understanding specific health issues. A minimum bachelor’s degree in biology is required to become a medical or biological scientist.

5. QC Microbiologist

Responsible for conducting quality check processes on various laboratory investigations and studies, ensuring that all the outputs adhere to strict standards and internal regulations. They make an analysis of the raw materials and various components, do an inspection of the effectiveness of laboratory tools and equipment and make validation of data. A minimum bachelor’s degree in microbiology is required to become a quality control microbiologist.

6. Microbiology Research Assistant

The microbiology research assistant is responsible for various research-based works to support project development. They also carry out data entry and manage computer databases utilized for data collection. Other than that, they are also responsible for preparing samples for various testing, keeping data from different tests and experiments, and maintaining records of the test procedures and results. A bachelor’s degree in microbiology or a related biological subject makes you eligible to become a microbiology research assistant.

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