How to become a virologist?

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Viruses are one of the most diverse among various life forms across the world. This is well-reflected in the assortment of those who spend their lives studying viruses and in various ways by which they are interested in the whole subject. Viruses infect through several routes, right from human behaviors to insect bites.

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Virology is everything about gaining a proper understanding of viruses, from some of the common infections like chickenpox to new infections like Ebola, COVID-19, and Zika.

Virologists are medical professionals responsible for overseeing the diagnosis, proper management, and prohibition of infection. They are also eminent scientists who conduct researches on varied aspects of viruses. They have to divide time between working at laboratories and offering advice to staff in several animal and human health service areas.

Virologist diagnose viral infections and investigate the virus’s pharmacological response to antiviral drugs along with the evolution of drug resistance. Not only that but also they give relevant advice to colleagues on hospital wards, along with government and veterinarians. They also offer instructions to GPs on how antiviral drugs must be prescribed and utilized perfectly. They also manage patient care, especially those who suffer from consistent infections such as HIV or viral hepatitis.

A virologist also has work in public health and health protection medicine and might be needed for offering advice on the use of vaccines and immunization. If there is a viral attack in any ward, virologists have to work together with the infection control team advising the staff on the ward to limit the infection spread.

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