AI Drug Development Companies

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Here is a table showing different AI tools that have been used in Drug discovery

S. no. Tools How does it help?
1 DeepChem It’s a MLP model that make use of AI system for finding a good candidate in drug discover process.
2 DeepTox It’s software that helps in the prediction of toxicity of about 12000 drugs.
3 DeepNeuralNetQSAR It’s a system driven by computational tools that help detect the molecular activity of various compounds.
4 PotentialNet Make use of NNs for prediction of binding affinities of ligands.
5 Hit Dexter An ML method for prediction of molecules that may respond to several biochemical assays.
6 ORGANIC It’s a tool for molecular generation that assists in the creation of molecules with the required properties
7 DeltaVina It’s a function for rescoring the affinity of drug ligand.
8 Chemputer Helps in reporting processes of chemical synthesis in standardized manner
9 Neural graph fingerprint It assists in prediction of properties of new molecules
10 Alphafold Prediction of protein’s 3D structures


Top AI Drug Development Companies in the USA

S. no. Company name Website
1 Schrödinger
2 Recursion
3 Quantinuum
4 BioAge Labs
6 BenchSci
7 CHARM Therapeutics
8 Immunai
9 Insilico Medicine
10 Kuano

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