10 Easy DIY Biology Experiments You Can Do at Home

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Make a Plant Maze

You require materials like a shoebox, bean seeds, water, and tape.

Make some holes in the side of the shoebox. Make a maze inside it using all the cardboard pieces. Plant some bean seeds in the soil at one end and keep the box near some source of light. See the plant navigating the maze in the direction of light.

Vitamin C Test

Ingredients: Iodine solution, several fruit juices, starch solution and dropper

In the starch solution, add some drops of iodine solution till it starts turning blue. Make the addition of various fruit juices drop by drop to observe which one is turning the solution clear thus indicating the vitamin C presence.

Capillary Action Using Flowers

For this experiment, you need white flowers, water, glass jars, and food colors.

Fill the jars with water and then make the addition of food colors to each of them. In each jar, keep a flower. You can observe how the color travels up through the stem and is coloring the petals over several hours to several days.


So, these easy DIY biology experiments which you can do at home provide the best way to explore some of the fundamental principles of Biology at home. By becoming engaged in activities like extraction of DNA, knowing about osmosis, and other such experiments, it is easy to deepen the understanding of biological processes. Whether for educational purposes or just for fun, these easy DIY experiments offer good insights into the interesting world of biology.

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What is a DIY experiment?

DIY or Do It Yourself experiments are scientific experiments that an individual can do on their own, outside the formal laboratory settings.

How do these DIY biology experiments help?

Through those DIY biology experiments, you can foster a kid’s love for science and make their learning one of the exciting adventures.

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